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Laser Hair Therapy: Benefits, Uses, & Does It Really Work

Laser hair therapy is a technology that aims to revive closed hair follicles. The treatment does so through photon irradiation. While the technique is effective, most of the time you have to couple it with another treatment.
with an alternate treatment such as hair transplants in Turkey for outstanding results. Post hair transplant, follicular units are weak as a result of the trauma of relocation.

Although a hair transplant is successful supporting your hair follicles is beneficial. Exposing the hair follicles to photon radiations stimulates their growth. As a result, the hair follicles grow and develop better.

What Is Laser Hair Therapy?

Laser therapy is a photon-assisted treatment that stimulates damaged or weakened follicular units. It does so through increasing circulation and follicle metabolism. In turn, this terminates hair loss and increases regeneration.

Many of our everyday habits pose a negative impact on our hair without our knowing. Factors such as stress, diets, use of hair products, an styling, can damage the protein fibers in our hair. In certain situations, the elements impacting the brittle strands are inevitable. As is the case with aging and disease.

To bring back health and life to your locks, opt for laser hair therapy with another hair loss treatment. This will give you the best results.

How Does Laser Therapy Increase Hair Growth?

The procedure is a helmet that patients wear which irradiates photons all around the scalp. You not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Once the weak cells absorb these photons, circulation improves. Blood flows better giving hair follicles oxygen and nutrients. So, follicular units receive more nutrition and oxygen promoting growth and proliferation.

You will notice through the sessions, noticeable changes in thickness and shine. Additionally, laser hair therapy has the ability to resolve dermatological problems in the scalp. These include excess sebum and irritation.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

There is no standard period of treatment, each case varies from one person to the other. Anywhere between 12 to 14 sessions is good for hair growth. With each session being around 20 minutes long. Once you complete your laser therapy, you hair loss will reduce. Also hair growth will increase, and you will restore your thickness and shine.

Benefits Of The Treatment?

As an effective treatment for hair loss, laser therapy is a new favorite for its many benefits. For one, it provides a boost of strength for brittle hair restoring its vitality. Moreover, the treatment solves issues such as dandruff. While also completely stopping their occurrence.

With its biggest benefit being its ability to reverse baldness in both men and women. Emerging research on the technique, provides scientific proof of its advantages.

Does Laser Hair Therapy Work?

Laser hair therapy presented great results. But there is no consistency to its efficacy. And thus, it may work for some people and not for others. This is also the reason why we suggest coupling the treatment with other remedies.

A 2013 study concluded a 39% improvement with hair growth after six weeks of therapy. Which is a decent improvement. It could do wonders with other treatments. For example, with anti-androgens for women. Or after hair transplants for men or women.