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Botox VS Filler, Similarities, Differences, and Alternatives

With the minimally invasive technology of injectables on the rise, the botox vs filler is a growing discourse echoing around the cosmetic treatments. Each treatment operates for a particular purpose, produces different results, and suits varying applications. The botox vs filler is a pressing issue as patients begin to wonder what best complements their skin texture.

Identifying the differences between the available options should be your first step. Because it can be confusing, we’ll break down the botox vs filler debate for you.

1- Botox

What Is Botox Made Of?

Botox is a naturally existing bacterial toxin that undergoes purification. The bacterial toxin possesses muscle paralyzing effects which give botox its rejuvenating properties. Obviously, in medical applications, the toxin is regulated and generally safe to use.

How Does Botox Work

Since Botox works by limiting muscle movement it is best to apply it on expression lines. In other words, areas most susceptible to movement by facial expressions. The target regions for botox include laugh lines, forehead, in between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and so on.

Botox can be a preservative approach. Catching on with the treatment in the late twenties can completely prevent the appearance of wrinkles and ensure graceful aging. However, even after wrinkles emerge, when botox paralyzes the muscles, wrinkles and folds fade out in response.

Within a year, owing to botox being a protein, the material eventually down. Therefore, it is best to repeat treatment annually to maintain results.

When Do Results Of Botox Appear

The effects of botox will go into action anywhere in the first days of treatment. There is no definite way to tell how long it will take for your results to begin showing. Mostly, however, the freezing effects of botox will occur in the first few days depending on how your body reacts to the protein.

How Long Does Botox Last

Within a year, because Botox is a protein, the material will eventually breakdown. Therefore, it is best to repeat treatment annually to maintain results. On average, the results of botox can hold for 3-6 months. Both lifestyle habits and skin textures determine how long the effects last.

Side Effects Of Botox

Botox has a reputation for being a safe and effective procedure for more than 99% of patients. Although safe, you may experience slight burning or swelling that will generally fade. On rare occasions, the side effects of botox can include flu-like symptoms as well as difficulty swelling.

If you abide by the instructions your doctor provides, such as abstaining from rubbing the treated area, you will likely recover very well. For instance, massaging treatment regions can send botox to neighbor regions and paralyze the muscles.

How Much Does Botox Cost

Botox prices vary from country to country, but on average the cost of botox is around 350 euros in Turkey. Whereas in the UK, botox could cost around 800 pounds.

Dermal fillers

What Are Dermal Fillers Made Of

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, constitute a sugar-based substance that is likewise naturally occurring. The hyaluronic acid which constitutes fillers already exists in the body. In addition to hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers also include:

  1. Polylactic acid to promote collagen production.
  2. Polymethyl-methacrylate that functions a semi-permanent filler.
  3. Calcium hydroxylapatite a mineral-like substance naturally found in the body.

However, as we age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases. Because hyaluronic acid is by nature a water-retaining substance, it gives the face a plump effect. Therefore, with its loss, the skin loses volume and begins to droop and sag.

Unlike botox., it is best to use fillers on static wrinkles. Areas that fall under static wrinkles include the cheek, neck, and jaw. Or in other words, wrinkles that are not the results of facial expressions.

How Long Do Fillers Last

Fillers can last anywhere between 3 to 18 months. Many aspects such as lifestyle, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, and diet can affect how long fillers last. Fillers have a substance that counteracts the substance. For example, you have the option to reverse results whenever you desire.

Applications Of Fillers

By possessing the ability to add volume and being harmless to muscles and tissue, the applications of dermal fillers are versatile where they expand to environ lip augmentation and facial contouring.

Side Effects Of Fillers

Like Botox, fillers are safe to use. Side effects sometimes include swelling and bruising that fades within days. More serious, but equally rare side effects of fillers include allergic reactions and nerve damage.

Surgeries Dermal Fillers Can Substitute

1 – Facial rejuvenation surgery

Facial rejuvenation surgery is a procedure for reversing the primary symptoms of aging. Loose skin and wrinkles are the visible signs of your youth bidding your adieus.

The initial approach is to wipe the footsteps of time by pulling the skin back around the face. Since the procedure is permanent, the results are already destined to lose their authenticity to be every bit far from natural looking as time goes on. Our faces continue to change over the years. Therefore, a procedure you had years back will not blend in with the newly appearing wrinkles and loose skin. The combination of permanency and constantly emerging changes is likely to yield unnatural looking results.

The alternative is certainly not to call it quits and raise the white flag to time. By injecting fillers, the skin becomes naturally plump. The sugar breaks down naturally in your body, giving you the opportunity to repeat the treatment according to your different features, preserving the authentic appeal.

2- Facial Contouring Surgery

Owing to Angelina Jolie’s sharp features, the world has come to swoon over masculine bone structures. More definition and high prominence in facial features is the look of the era. With conventional methods, achieving defined facial structures requires the altering of the facial bone to achieve a sharp look. However, because with time your face evolves, the results look rather plastic.

With fillers, you can achieve a jawline sharp enough to cut through diamonds without the need of modifying or altering your jaw bone or the skin around it. Fillers can apply more volume around the jawline and create the illusion of hollow cheeks with authenticity.

3- Lip Augmentation

Another Instagram trend is full lips which have skyrocketed in desirability in recent years. Instead of silicone injections that often lead to permanent plastic results, fillers are stealing the spotlight. With the ability to increase volume in certain areas, you have the opportunity to not only augment the volume of your lips but the design and shape of it. You could eliminate a Cupid’s arrow or make it prominent, you could make your lips equal in size or different as you like.


Botox VS Filler Comparison Table

The following table will summarize the botox VS filler into set of key differences.

Botox VS Filler


Purified Bacterial Neurotoxin

Hyaluronic acid

Type Of Target Wrinkles

Dynamic Wrinkles

Static Wrinkle

Additional Applications

Lip Augmentation – Cheekbone Definition


3 to 6 months

2 – 18 months

Method Of Work

Freeze Muscles

Restore Volume

Yes, we get it all these names of fillers and emerging rejuvenating techniques can be quite a strain to comprehend. Particularly with the rapidly evolving field of cosmetic surgery, keeping up with the chase will most likely leave you breathless.

To fight one of humanity’s biggest fears, various propositions and approaches to tackles the symptoms have been born in the last decade. To each remedy, a route by which it aims to restore the youthful look buried beneath the accumulated prominence of traces of facial expressions.

While the names and the techniques vary, the element of bewilderment in patients is constant. Without further ado, below are the most popular fillers broken down and thoroughly explained.

Botox VS Filler Against PRP Therapy

Botox VS filler began to expand as a debate as the field of injectables welcomed new members. The initially athletic treatment suddenly and rapidly found its way in cosmetic treatments. As a reservoir of growth factors, extracellular signaling proteins, platelet-rich plasma therapy is capable of initiating an extensive array of beneficial molecular activity related to the myriads of body functions.

When injected in the face, PRP stimulates collagen production which in turn reflects on the glow of the skin and its health. Unlike hyaluronic dermal fillers and Botox, PRP neither relies on synthetic material or microbic toxins to reverse the hands of times. Instead, the treatment extract growth factors from the patient’s blood and injects back into target areas. PRP is not very effective in reversing wrinkles; however, when coupled with dermal fillers or Botox, the results are extraordinary.

The Core OF Botox VS Filler Debate

The Botox VS Filler debate is a prevalent question as both technologies dominate the injectable field. However, since each injectable compromises different substances, their applications by extension vary.

The a nut shell, the botox VS filler question is a matter of dynamic wrinkles vs static wrinkles. Wrinkles in regions that appear due to facial expressions, are best for botox. Whereas wrinkles that appear as loss of volume, are better for filler.

For further inquiries on botox VS filler, book a consultation session with a medical specialist from the Vera Clinic.