Augenlidkorrektur in der Türkei


Blepharoplasty in Turkey is an exceptionally beneficial and cost-effective procedure to address droopy skin around the eyes, with eyelid surgery costs in Turkey being lower than anywhere else in the world. As with all cosmetic surgery at Vera Clinic, the procedures we perform are renowned worldwide and the vast range of services we offer, including hair transplants in Turkey, make us one of the most versatile medical and cosmetic clinics in the world.

Eye lift surgery in Turkey will open your eyes and restore your youthful exuberance, enabling you to enhance your facial aesthetic, boost your confidence and knock years off your appearance. As one of the most popular procedures in the world, the results will leave you amazed and we’re happy to provide this life-changing surgery at Vera Clinic. Our skilled surgeons and medical experts will ensure you are in safe hands, so why not find out more about Blepharoplasty today and book your consultation to see how we can help you.

Advantages of Blepharoplasty in Turkey

  • Blepharoplasty, also known as upper eye or eyelid surgery in Turkey, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess skin, muscle, or fat from around the eye area.
  • Eyelid surgery can amend droopy eyelids, sagging eyebrows, and bags under the eyes that can develop over time, restoring a youthful appearance.
  • Blepharoplasty and upper eye surgery cost in Turkey are the lowest you can find worldwide, helping you save thousands whilst still receiving world-class surgery and care.
  • Available for a range of cosmetic and medical purposes, Blepharoplasty in Turkey can help you look younger, correct sagging skin, and amend issues you may be having with impaired or peripheral vision.
  • As well as the practical benefits, you will also develop the glowing, youthful complexion you’ve always wanted, helping to restore your confidence.
  • As the face is an especially sensitive area of the body, at Vera Clinic we do our utmost to ensure maximum comfort and protection is provided throughout.

Why Choose Vera Clinic for Blepharoplasty?

  • Reduced costs on treatment compared to UK and US
  • High level of quality standards in patient care and service
  • World-class surgeons performing the best Blepharoplasty in Turkey
  • Accommodation arranged along with onward travel
  • Central Istanbul location that is well-connected
  • Expert Aftercare included to provide maximum results

Blepharoplasty Details

Blepharoplasty Details

Procedure Time – 1 – 2 hours

Anaesthetic – Local

Recovery Time – 4-6 months

Accommodation & Transfer – 7 days

Why Have Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery in Turkey?

There are many reasons why people seek to have eyelid surgery and why Blepharoplasty in Turkey may provide the solutions you are looking for. Sagging eyelids can cause long-lasting or even permanent problems with your eyesight, prohibiting your eyelids from opening completely, or even pulling down your lower eyelids. Removing the excess tissue from your eye area can help to improve your vision, making your eyes appear younger and more alert.

Whilst this may be true for some, many others may just want to restore their younger self, removing the signs of ageing that develop on your face over time. Whichever the reasons for wanting this type of surgery, we always recommend having a full consultation first to ensure you can achieve the results you want.

Eye lift surgery in Turkey may be suitable for you if you have any of the following:

  • Baggy or droopy upper eyelids
  • Excess skin of the upper eyelids that interferes with your peripheral vision
  • Excess skin on the lower eyelids
  • Bags under your eyes

If you are experiencing any of these issues, we can look to help here at Vera Clinic, providing you with superior quality standards and state-of-the-art treatment facilities. Our team of experts consist of highly qualified surgeons and caregivers, providing a world-class service and environment to undergo the skilled Blepharoplasty procedure.

Blepharoplasty in Turkey: How the Procedure Works

The duration of eyelid surgery in Turkey will differ from patient to patient, depending on their specific condition and requirements. A full consultation will provide a personalised, individual timetable if you are a suitable candidate for Blepharoplasty, including the expected results and aftercare.

  • On average, Blepharoplasty in Turkey takes approximately an hour and a half to perform, although the procedure will vary depending on each individual.
  • Before choosing the lowest eyelid surgery cost in Turkey, you will need to meet with one of our eye specialists or specialist plastic surgeons to discuss the best option for you.
  • We will assess your medical history, ensuring you are a suitable candidate for Blepharoplasty in Turkey. We will need to know about any previous medication you have been on, as well as any conditions you have or had, such as glaucoma, allergies, or circulatory problems.
  • Upon this assessment for your eyelid surgery in Turkey, we will also advise you to desist from the use of any medications (prescription or herbal) that can complicate surgery, as well as to stop the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco at least 2-3 weeks before.
  • A thorough physical examination will be performed, including testing your tear ducts, measuring your eyelids, and a vision test (including your peripheral vision). Photographs will be taken to help with the planning stage of your eye lift surgery in Turkey as well.
  • Blepharoplasty in Turkey usually takes place as an outpatient service, requiring an overnight stay in the hospital, but this will depend on the individual need.
  • The surgeons will firstly inject a local anaesthetic into your eyelids, before administering IV medication to help you relax during your eye lift surgery in Turkey.
  • The upper eye surgery cost in Turkey will differ from person to person, depending on the extent of loose or baggy skin in the area you want to resolve.
  • If you are having surgery on both eyelids, one of our expert surgeons will generally work on the upper lids first, cutting along the fold of the eyelid, before removing excess skin, muscle, and fat before sealing the incision.

Blepharoplasty in Turkey: Aftercare

Following your eyelid surgery in Turkey, you will spend some time in one of our recovery rooms and one night in the hospital, where we will monitor and assess your condition following the procedure. Some short-lasting side effects that may occur include:

  • Watering eyes and blurred/double vision
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Swollen or numb eyelids
  • Bruising of the skin around the eyes
  • Slight pain and differing levels of discomfort

Following your Blepharoplasty procedure, we will also advise that you use icepacks, holding them on your eyes for 10 minutes every hour, for the evening following your surgery. This will help to reduce any swelling experienced.

  • The day after your surgery, you should use the icepacks on your eyes for 10 minutes, 4 – 5 times throughout the day.
  • In the following days after your Blepharoplasty in Turkey, you should clean your eyelids gently with the eyedrops or ointments that we will prescribe. You should avoid rubbing your eyes as much as possible to ensure thorough healing following the procedure.
  • In the week that follows your eyelid surgery in Turkey, we would also advise you to avoid heavy lifting, or any strenuous exercise such as swimming, jogging, or aerobics.

After the successful completion of your surgery and aftercare programme, you will begin to see the expected results. This will differ between individuals, and we will provide a tailored timeline for you depending on the extent of the surgery performed. Your medical team will be available to answer any queries you may have, with follow-up consultations arranged to check progress.

For more information about us and Blepharoplasty, you can find helpful details and articles within our Blog Page. For advice and or a quote, dependent on your specific needs, contact us today and one of our experts will get back to you as quickly as possible to arrange a consultation.

Blepharoplasty In Turkey – FAQs

How Much Does Blepharoplasty in Turkey Cost?

Blepharoplasty and eyelid surgery costs in Turkey will differ for multiple reasons and there is no one size fits all price for patients. For example, the cost of upper eye surgery in Turkey will differ from having full eyelid surgery, so it completely depends on what procedure you have, and the extent of surgery required.

Eye lift surgery costs in Turkey can start from as little as $890, but we always advise that you speak to one of our specialists and arrange a consultation so we can fully assess the eyelid surgery cost in Turkey for you. Thanks to subsidies from the Turkish government, eyelid surgery costs in Turkey are still one of the cheapest in the world, costing up to 50% less than in other places such as the UK, USA, and other European countries.

What is a Good Age to Have Blepharoplasty?

Your age is an important factor before considering Blepharoplasty, as you may not be suitable for the surgery if you are very young. Most people will not experience the most common symptoms until over the age of 30, such as drooping or sagging skin, bags under the eyes etc. However, if you are over 18 years of age and your eyesight is being affected by these issues, eye lift surgery in Turkey is possible. It’s always necessary to have a consultation before undergoing any surgery, no matter how minor, to ensure it’s the right choice for you and will provide the desired results.

Does Blepharoplasty Make You Look Younger?

Many choose to undergo eye lid surgery to achieve a more youthful appearance, addressing concerns with loose skin around the eye area. As it is a cosmetic procedure, everyone has different reasons for wanting Blepharoplasty, but to look younger is one of the main motivations. When performed correctly and aftercare advice followed, the surgery can help shed years off your appearance, such is the effect that sagging skin, wrinkles, and bags under the eyes can have on your face. As we all lose collagen and elasticity in our skin, your facial appearance is one of the most noticeable signs of ageing as we get older. Upper and lower eye lid surgery is one way to address these changes and achieve a younger face, subject to assessment by our experts.

How Long will Eyelid Surgery Results Last?

Having Blepharoplasty in Turkey at Vera Clinic will ensure you can look forward to long-lasting results. During your consultation, the expected results you can achieve will be explained, and as long as you are a suitable candidate and aftercare guidance is followed, you can expect results that will last many years if not a lifetime. If after a few years of further natural ageing you do experience sagging again, you may want to consider other procedures that can help such as a face and neck lift or brow lift. We aim to provide long-lasting results, so each individual will be different and be given full advice about the expected results during consultation.

Can Blepharoplasty Change the Shape of My Eyes?

Yes, the appearance of the shape of your eyes may change after eye lid surgery, depending on the severity of drooping or sagging skin. Removal of any excess skin in the eye area has the ability to transform your facial aesthetic, rejuvenating the area so it resembles a more youthful version of you. If your eyelids are currently drooping, it will hide some of your eye when open. Blepharoplasty in Turkey will address this and provide a more rested look that makes your eyes appear less sunken, helping you look much younger in the process.

Can I Have Eyelid Surgery More Than Once?

Most people that have upper eye or eyelid surgery will not need to undergo the procedure again in the short term. In rare cases, a follow-up procedure may be required to ensure maximum results, especially where the reason for surgery was to restore vision rather than just cosmetic purposes. Most patients will enjoy the results they are looking for after just one procedure. In any situation where a second procedure is required, plenty of time must have passed since the first one. This is to allow enough time for maximum results to be achieved first. If you have had Blepharoplasty elsewhere in the past and have queries about the results, booking a consultation at Vera Clinic will provide you with our expert assessment.

Is Blepharoplasty Painful?

You should experience minimal discomfort during Blepharoplasty in Turkey as it is a minimally invasive procedure. The eye area is one of the most sensitive parts of your body, so you may expect eyelid surgery to be painful, however, as there are no deep incisions, only minor discomfort will be felt. A local anaesthetic will be used before administering IV medication that will help to relax you, so you will not feel the pain. After surgery, you may feel swelling and soreness around your eyes, but this should dissipate within a few days whilst applying ice to the areas as per aftercare advice.

How Safe is Blepharoplasty?

The surgery itself is very safe and our medical caregivers and surgeons will ensure you are as comfortable as possible throughout the Blepharoplasty procedure. We follow strict quality standards to ensure your experience at Vera Clinic is first-class throughout. During your consultation, you will be given a walkthrough of the procedure and results personalised to you, as well as the aftercare programme you will need to follow. We have helped over 25,000 patients since 2013, becoming a trusted and reliable clinic for both cosmetic surgery and hair transplants in Turkey.

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