Hair implants are a popular option for hair restoration. It provides natural and permanent results. And it is very effective in treating a large of array of alopecia classes.
The field of hair implants is gaining world-wide acceptance and popularity. Which means the treatment holds many promises for the future. We’re expecting better results with time as the methods enhance.
What Are Hair Implants?
Hair implants are a minimally invasive surgical procedure for hair restoration. The technique is suitable for reversing alopecia on various body locations. Most classes of alopecia have a common trait where you have areas of stable growth and areas of hair loss.
Sometimes, it can be due to genetics or accidents. For instance, people with pattern baldness usually have areas of stable growth. Where as hair loss tends to be in the crown area. Other times, accidents like burns or other trauma to the scalp, causes hair loss in a specific area. The unaffected region tends to have stable growth. If your hair loss has these traits, you can opt for hair implants. Because your doctors can take follicles from the stable areas and put them in areas of hair loss. Thus far, it is implied in the above effusions that hair implants reverse baldness, despite the underlying cause, whether initiated by genetics, habits, and lifestyle, or trauma; through the extraction of follicular units and implanting them in the designated locations
Are Hair Implants Permanent?
If your surgeons have experience and skill, the results should be permanent. Taking follicular units from one area to another is a successful process. The hair follicles will take some weeks to adapt to their new location. But eventually they will grow and start producing hair in the bald regions. Of course there are factors to keep in mind such as aftercare. You have to abide by a set of post-surgery instructions to heal properly. For example, you have to avoid direct sun rays. Your surgeon will provide you with all this information.
The Procedure Of Hair Implants
There are many techniques of hair implants. But each have a minor difference in the steps of the process. So this means that generally there is a set of foundational steps for all hair implants.
The procedure begins with a surgeon drawing the potential hairline for you. During hairline design, patients may negotiate the hairline design with their surgeon. You move on the next step once you are happy with your draw-on hairline. Next comes the application of local anesthetic in both the donor regions and the recipient sites. Patients have the flexibility to choose the method of anesthetic delivery. There is the traditional injection methods of anesthetics or needle-free injection. Vera Clinic provides both options for the convenience of its patients.
Following the application of local anesthetic comes the graft harvesting phase. Your surgeon removes stable hair follicles from their native location. There are many techniques to extracting follicular unit. Some more invasive than others as is the case with FUT hair implants.
The grafts immediately go in a Hypothermosol solution to protect them from contamination. To successfully implant the on the recipient site surgeons prepare incisions first. With implantation, the process of hair implants comes to an end.
The Different Techniques Of Hair Implants
The techniques of hair implantation are divided into two categories:
1- Primary methods
2- variants of the primary methods.
Primary Methods Of Hair Implants
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
Follicular unit transplantation is the most conventional technique of hair implants. The technique follows an impractical method of graft harvesting. An entire strip from the scalp has to be excised from donor regions to get follicular units. The technique of graft extraction poses a risk of nerve damage in the target area. Moreover, the wound heals into a visible linear scar that limits the patient’s choice of hairstyle in the future.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
Follicular unit extraction is a method of hair restoration that is an enhances the extraction phase in FUT. Instead of excising a strip of skin, FUE extracts grafts individually. A micro punch creates micro incisions around individual follicular units to isolate them. Later forceps extract the isolated grafts and places them in Hypothermosol solution. The technique of graft harvesting in follicular unit extraction is a lot more efficient and practical. It also provides scar-free results with no risk of nerve damage.
Variants Of The Primary Methods
Sapphire FUE
Sapphire FUE is a variant of the FUE technique where the extraction phase is enhanced. Blades made of the sapphire stone are used to create incisions on the recipient sites.Owing to its exquisite properties the stone allows for more incisions to be made per session that are closer to one another. Consequently, the results are denser and natural-looking than either FUT or standard FUE.
Contact Vera Clinic
Contact Vera Clinic if you have any inquiries regarding hair implants or our hair transplant Turkey procedures.